New book "Babel Tower: museums people in dialogue" by ICOFOM /ICOM.


We are pleased to announce the publication of the book Babel Tower: museums people in dialogue
The book is the result of the webinars organized in 2020, during the pandemic, at the University of Liège. We counted on the intense collaboration of the students in Museology, whom we warmly thank.
"Time for dialogue, time for finding common ground. A Babelian tale of museology has already been analysed by theorists and historians of this cross-cultural discipline.

Nonetheless, few agreements have been made on specific terms, methods and basic scientific parameters for the field of museum theory and practice up until the present. This book and the round of debates entitled Babel Tower: Museum people in dialogue, organised by the Université de Liège (Belgium) in collaboration with the University of Catania, with participation from the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (Portugal), has brought together different voices and approaches to the museum, exposing such a museological Babel."

The webinar series was also part of a joint research project between the Museology Service, the Art, Archaeology and Heritage Research Unit (ULiège) and the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (University of Catania), financed by the EU (European Social Fund, Italian PON AIM - Attraction and international mobility of researchers).

Manuelina Duarte, Giusy Pappalardo, Bruno Brulon Soares, Judite Primo, Mário Moutinho, Andrea Delaplace, Gabriela Aidar, Olga Van Oost, Dominique Schoeni, Cláudio Torres, Lígia Rafael, Susana Gómez Martinez, Oscar Navajas Corral, Giuseppe Reina, Raul Dal Santo, Silvia Dossena, Lucia Vignati, Vincenza Piera Bonanno, Carmelo Caruso, Valentina Del Campo, Medea Ferrigno, Agata Lipari Galvagno, Marianna Nicolosi, Domenico Pappalardo, Hugues de Varine, Alberto Garlandini

The texts are mainly in English. You can download the book at the following address: